Pork Chops

Pork chops
serves 4
- 1 can of cooking spray
- 4 one-inch thick boneless loin pork chops
- 1 dash of black pepper
- 1 dash of salt
- 1/2 cup of peach preserves
- 2 tablespoons of dijon mustard
- 1 tablespoon of water
Spray a non-stick frying pan with the cooking spray and heat over med-high heat.
Sprinkle both sides of the chops with salt and pepper and add to the skillet.
Sear 1 minute on each side, then reduce heat to medium.
Cook 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove from skillet and keep warm.
Mustard Sauce
Add the peach preserves, mustard and water to the skillet.
Cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
Spoon the sauce over the pork chops and serve.
Adapted from: Debra Fioritto Weber
Pork chops
serves 4
- 1 can of cooking spray
- 4 one-inch thick boneless loin pork chops
- 1 dash of black pepper
- 1 dash of salt
- 1/2 cup of peach preserves
- 2 tablespoons of dijon mustard
- 1 tablespoon of water
Spray a non-stick frying pan with the cooking spray and heat over med-high heat.
Sprinkle both sides of the chops with salt and pepper and add to the skillet.
Sear 1 minute on each side, then reduce heat to medium.
Cook 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove from skillet and keep warm.
Mustard Sauce
Add the peach preserves, mustard and water to the skillet.
Cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
Spoon the sauce over the pork chops and serve.
Adapted from: Debra Fioritto Weber
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Well it is time for another startcooking.com video and today I am going to prepare pork chops. They are easy to cook and taste great with mustard sauce. Add rice and steamed vegetables and you are guaranteed a tasteful and nutritious meal. Enjoy!
panini sandwich said:
This looks yummy – I’m going to try it tonight!
will said:
Sauces made from the same pan as the meat was frying in are simply divine !
Kathy Maister said:
C.C. Chapman made these Pork Chops and actually photographed them before digging in. I am delighted to say they came out looking just like mine! All of my recipes are photographed in real time. What you see is what you get! Cheers!
Danielle said:
Kathy, first of all, thanks so much for this site! I found it today while trying to figure out how to cook broccoli (which turned out great, by the way!).
These pork chops look soo good. I’ll have to try “searing” mine next time. I couldn’t figure out why my chops weren’t getting nice and brown no matter how long I cooked them.
Kathy Maister said:
Hi Danielle, Make sure you preheat the pan! Good luck and let me know how they turn out! Cheers!
Simeon said:
Hi Kathy,
I went crazy subscribing to podcasts and I have to tell you that you’re my favorite food podcast! The podcasts are so inspiring! The recipes are very good, practical, simple (but not simplistic), easy, and beautiful.
Although I love cooking and I’d like to think I’m proficient at kitchen chores (prep work, stirring food on the frying pan), I’m not much of a head chef (big picture, good knowledge of food/cooking, etc.), so I end up making some frankenfridge soup/meal. So your podcast and website are perfect for people like me who have the desire but lack the skills.
I love the way your videos work, especially how you have streamlined them, removing the redundancy of the earlier referrals to the ingredients list. I especially love the very professional look & feel to your podcast and your website. It’s so fresh and alive because of the great graphic design and the gorgeous photography.
So thank you, thank you, thank you for your amazing website and podcast!
Ps. I love the picture of the Bernard Callebaut white chocolate for the White Chocolate and Frozen Berries recipe because I live in Calgary, home to Bernard (I think… :P).
Linda said:
Kathy, you have the best cooking web site I ever saw! You make cooking look easy. Thank you for sharing these wonderful recipes!
Kathy Maister said:
Hi Linda and Welcome! Cooking is easy, as long as you learn the basics! BTW “Pumpkin” is adorable! (Everyone should go take a peek at this precious pup!) Cheers
Gloria said:
I just did this recipe for lunch and it is soo good. I like the way you make it simple and easy to follow. I am awful at cooking and this is my first success. I will surely do this for school lunch. thank you , Gloria
Roy said:
If I use thin cut pork chops, what might I change in the recipe? I suppose the cooking time.
Thank you for your help.
startcooking said:
Hi Gloria, that’s great to hear! Best of luck developing your cooking skills!
Roy, you are correct. You will need to adjust the cooking time accordingly.
Doctor Advice Online said:
I really enjoyed this video. My children really love pork chops and my wife loves to prepare the dish. Keep up the great work with this site.
Cindy said:
Great recipe! I prepared these last night and they were tender and flavorful. Thanks.