7 Layer Dip

7 layer dip
serves 12
- 2 cans of bean dip (10 1/2 ounce cans)
- 3 avocadoes
- 2 tablespoons of lime or lemon juice
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt
- teaspoon of pepper
- 1 cup of sour cream
- 1/2 cup of mayonnaise
- 1 packet/envelope of taco seasoning mix
- 1 cup of green onion - chopped
- 2 and 1/3 ounces of canned sliced black olives
- 2 medium tomatoes
- 8 ounces of cheddar cheese
- 1 package of tortilla chips
Layer in a 9x13x2 inch serving dish:
Layer One:
- Spread in dish the 2 cans of bean dip
Layer Two:
- Peel, core and mash 3 avocados.
- Add 2 tablespoons of lime or lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon salt & 1/8 teaspoon pepper.
- Mix together and spread over the beans.
Layer 3:
- Mix together 1 cup sour cream, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 1 packet of taco seasoning mix
- Spread the sour cream mixture over the avocados.
Layer 4:
- Sprinkle over the sour cream mixture 1 Cup chopped green onion
Layer 5:
- Drain and sprinkle over the onions a 2-1/4 ounce can of sliced black olives
Layer 6:
- Seed, and dice and sprinkle over the olives 2 Medium tomatoes
Layer 7:
- Grate and sprinkle over the tomatoes 8 ounces of cheddar cheese
Serve with lots of Tortilla Chips!
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7 layer dip
serves 12
- 2 cans of bean dip (10 1/2 ounce cans)
- 3 avocadoes
- 2 tablespoons of lime or lemon juice
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt
- teaspoon of pepper
- 1 cup of sour cream
- 1/2 cup of mayonnaise
- 1 packet/envelope of taco seasoning mix
- 1 cup of green onion - chopped
- 2 and 1/3 ounces of canned sliced black olives
- 2 medium tomatoes
- 8 ounces of cheddar cheese
- 1 package of tortilla chips
Layer in a 9x13x2 inch serving dish:
Layer One:
- Spread in dish the 2 cans of bean dip
Layer Two:
- Peel, core and mash 3 avocados.
- Add 2 tablespoons of lime or lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon salt & 1/8 teaspoon pepper.
- Mix together and spread over the beans.
Layer 3:
- Mix together 1 cup sour cream, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 1 packet of taco seasoning mix
- Spread the sour cream mixture over the avocados.
Layer 4:
- Sprinkle over the sour cream mixture 1 Cup chopped green onion
Layer 5:
- Drain and sprinkle over the onions a 2-1/4 ounce can of sliced black olives
Layer 6:
- Seed, and dice and sprinkle over the olives 2 Medium tomatoes
Layer 7:
- Grate and sprinkle over the tomatoes 8 ounces of cheddar cheese
Serve with lots of Tortilla Chips!
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This delicious tex-mex 7 layer dip is a great party dish that everyone will enjoy. Learn how to make your own 7 layer dip recipe with this simple step-by-step video guide.
will said:
it turns out that I am moving into a new apartment soon. Since it’s customary to have a housewarming party, I think I’ll make this and see how goes.
I’m tempted to pass the whole thing under the grill to melt the cheese and make it hot/cold.
I think it would work very well, if I blasted it with enough heat to melt and possibly brown the top a little.
what do you think ? maybe if I moved the bean-dip to the top and the vegetables on the bottom, I would guarantee that the tomatoes and green onions stay fresh.
Kathy Maister said:
Hi Will, yes you could melt the cheese under the broiler for about 5-6 minutes. You definitely should not heat the entire dip as the avocados will turn bitter.
You could skip the avocado layer and just make some guacamole to serve on the side.
Another version of 7 layer dip might be:
This version may well hold up better if you want the cheese melted!
(Yikes! I’m making this up as I go! I hope it works!)
will said:
I think I would put it under the broiler, because i think it would be neat for it to have a hot top and a cool bottom. although, I must say that off the top of your head, the variation sounds also pretty delectable! especially black beans !!
Deborah Dowd said:
I love seven layer dip (and anything with avocados!) I am planning a future post highlighting sites like yours who teach cooking with pictures instead of words, and you are already prominently linked on my site as one I visit everyday!
Kathy Maister said:
Thanks Deborah!
As they say…a picture is worth a thousand words!
Alex said:
great dip, great site, thanks! (it was delicious)
julien said:
hey kathy, super fun video as always. i’ve always adored how fast paced these things are… keeps the kids interested.
Kathy Maister said:
Hi Alex, I am delighted to hear you enjoyed the dip! Have you tried any of the other recipes?
Julien, I too think the fast pace keeps these videos very lively. (Although people that know me can’t believe how quickly I am speaking. In real life I actually take a breath between sentences!)
Eliza said:
Where I live (Mexico) we don’t have taco taco seasoning, so I was wondering if I can change it for something else.
Your site is awesome for begginer cooks like me. Keep the good job.
Kathy Maister said:
Hi Elza,
I did find this recipe here for the Taco Seasoning Mix. I have not yet tried it but it certainly got great reviews! Good luck!
In a small bowl, mix together chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, red pepper flakes, oregano, paprika, cumin, salt and pepper. Store the mixture in an airtight container. Two heaping Tablespoons equals approximately 1 Taco seasoning packet.
Cristina said:
Hey Kathy, I made the 7 layer-dip to take to a family get-together. It’s hard to impress a roomfull of Peruvians, especially if I’m the one that makes it (double surprise). I’m pleased to report that they loved it! If it passed their test, I think anyone else will adore it. Thanks for the great recipe and I LOVE your site! Keep cooking, Cristina
Nicole said:
I would love to make this, but there is a discrepancy in the recipe and I am not sure what to do. During the video, it says 1/2 cup mayonnaise. However, at the end in the ingredient list, it says 1 cup. Which is right? Thanks.
Kathy Maister said:
Cristina that’s great to hear!
Nicole…the video and the recipe list 1/2 cup of mayonnaise which is correct. The ingredient list at the end of the video does indeed say 1 cup! Oops! I am so sorry about that error! Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I will fix it immediately.
Nicole said:
Kathy- Thank you so much!!! My husband will love this! I’m looking forward to making it.
Kathy Maister said:
Nicole, be sure to get ripe avocados! Buy them today if you can. If your grocery store only has really firm ones, stick them in a brown paper bag and they should be perfect by Sunday! Good Luck!
tala said:
great site Kathy ! thanks alot ! it’s gonna be really usefull for me!
desiredusername said:
This dip sounds awesome. I discovered avocados last year but only for guacamole. Definitely have to try this.
What’s weird is that you say they turn bitter if you cook them. I’ve been making kind of a burrito-ish wrap with guacamole inside for quite some time and I’ve never noticed any bitterness. I zap them pretty good, too–400 degrees for 10 minutes.
Maybe my tastebuds are just numbed from the salsa and hot sauce I include…
Kathy Maister said:
Every thing you read about cooking avocados says to add them at the very end of the recipe. Then just heat them and not actually cook them. Putting filled wraps in the oven for 10 minutes at 400 degrees really is just heating them through (and perhaps melting the cheese!).
D. said:
I just had to let you know how awesome this dip is! The taco seasoning gives it so much flavor so much more than your traditional 7 layer dip. I made this for a party and there was not a bite left. And your videos are a big hit. Thank you and keep up the fantastic recipes.
Cindy said:
Love this dip!!! I helped my daughter prepare it for a party last week but we used avacado dip instead of fresh avacados. Thanks for the info! Love your blog!!!