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Applause by
Kathy Maister

55 Knives is a collection of recipes, tips and stories from 55 top food bloggers! Nick from Macheesmo has put together this amazing assortment of recipes, in the form of an e-book.
According to Nick, “The 55 Knives book is a collaborative project from some of the web’s top food bloggers in a simple, easy to download format. The authors included in the project were picked not only because of their expertise in the kitchen but also because of their ability to write well about food.
Each of the 55 bloggers (listed below) has a chapter where they have presented one or two of their favorite recipes.
Some recipes will be simple and some might be more complicated (Individual Beef Wellingtons!). Don’t worry though, the complicated recipes will have crystal clear instructions.
In addition to the recipes, each chapter will have a story explaining why that recipe is important to that author. Some of the recipes have been in families for generations and some are newly created. I think you’ll find the stories to be touching, funny, sincere, and above all else, entertaining!”
I am thrilled to be included in this collection! Drawing from my Irish heritage, I chose my Irish Bread and Irish Coffee recipes to be included in 55 Knives.

For more information, click here.
The Arugula Files
The Bitten Word Blue Kitchen
Brown Eyed Baker
Carrots ‘N’ Cake
Chez Us
Cream Puffs in Venice
Cupcake Project
Dine and Dish
The Duo Dishes
Elle’s New England Kitchen
Endless Simmer
Ezra Pound Cake
The Food in my Beard
Food Loves Writing
Former Chef
Gabriela’s Kitchen
GoodLife {eats}
Gourmet Fury
Greedy Gourmet
Healthy Delicious
The Healthy Everythingtarian
Joe Pastry
Kath Eats Real Food
La Mia Cucina
Lick My SpoonLocal Lemons
Mango Tomato
Modern Domestic
My Baking Addiction
Nibble Me This
Not Derby Pie
Palate to Pen
The Perfect Pantry
Pete Bakes
Pinch My Salt
Picky Cook
The Purple Foodie
Recipe Girl
The Salty Cod
Savory Reviews
Sippity Sup
Spinach Tiger
Sprouted Kitchen
Start Cooking

Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy
Summer Tomato
Thursday Night Smackdown
Vanilla Sugar
We Are Never Full
Well Done Chef
Congratulations Nick!
For more information, or to purchase 55 Knives, click here.
posted in
Applause by
Kathy Maister

Wow! We did it! Number 1 in Foods at Apple iTunes!
This is a dream come true and I need to thank the people who helped to make this happen.
Justin Evans and Colin Vernon, owners and senior partners of stresslimitdesign are responsible for the design and development of Without the whole stresslimitdesign team, would not exist. They really know how to design (and manage) a great site!
Atelier Transfert
Christian Martel is the head of video production and the maker of my videos. We have worked side by side to develop the look, feel and design of my videos, then Christian made the magic happen by combining thousands of photos to my voice over and, voila, the recipe comes alive!
Guy Kawasaki
We all know who Guy is! He has brought quite a bit of attention to, by both blogging about us and sharing with us some of his world famous recipes. Alltop, his new site that acts as a Magazine rack to the best of the blog world, has an introductory video by the team. We are thrilled to have been part of this great project.
Subscribers and Fans
Thank you all for the amazing support your have shown me from the start. I am thrilled to have found such an appreciative audience.
David Maister
Positively none of this would have happened without the total support of David Maister, my editor, my supporter, my husband, my “reason to be”. Without David, my world would not exist.
Thank you all for making my dreams come true!!
posted in
Applause by
Kathy Maister

We’re thrilled to say that not only has Guy Kawasaki (one of our favorite bloggers) noticed us and said some very nice things, but that we’ve been included in the food section of his new social media directory
We very happy to be on this page with some of the best food content on the net, and it’s a huge thrill to be included in this directory which is really a guide to all the best content of the day from all subject areas of the internet. There’s something for everyone there – each section of alltop covers the headlines (and blogposts) of the day from many different subject areas ranging from startcooking friendly stuff like moms, health, and photography, to things like news sites and humor sites and even the big “egos” on the internet. Such a fun dinner party!
I’m just thrilled that startcooking got picked! Thanks Guy!